Titan Massage Chairs

As of 2022, Titan is America’s largest distributor and seller of massage chairs. Therefore, the company requires a lot of help when it comes to product pages, promotional material, social media campaigns, videos, and backend logistics.

Over the course of 2021 & 2022 Ethan and his media team worked to modernize the company’s websites, product page designs, and videos. Furthermore, Ethan lead the effort to improve SEO and social media reach himself.

Product Pages

Ethan was responsible for creating a number of product pages for Titan’s newest items. In addition to massage chairs, Ethan specialized in smaller/more unique items such as portable massagers and saunas.

Social Media Ads

Below is small sample of the dozens of ads Ethan designed and managed for Titan’s Facebook and Instagram Pages.

His efforts lead to a staggering 96.63% decrease in CPC compared to his predecessors.


While Ethan served as an AD on nearly every video created at Titan, he also had a hand in Directing and Editing films as well.

Titan 3D Acro

This is Ethan’s first feature highlight film for the new Titan 3D Acro. Ethan had the privilege of storyboarding, directing, shooting, and editing the entire video by himself.


Titan Sedona

This installation guide is a great segue into the next section: copywriting. In addition to shooting and editing this film, Ethan was also fully responsible for the script.



In addition to graphic design, social media, and videography, Ethan was also the Senior Copywriter on Titan’s team.

More Designs

New York Uni. Shanghai


BOLD Multimedia
